IAESTE is providing young science and engineering students from around the world with paid, course related work experience. Similarly, IAESTE has been a source of high quality trainees for companies and institutions in more than 80 countries worldwide.
IAESTE is committed to fostering international understanding and impacting on the development of young people through international exchange. The organization's core values of friendship, trust, respect, professionalism, development and intercultural cooperation serve as a foundation for a strong organisational culture and as the principles that guide all the work and daily activities.
IAESTE offers opportunities for science and engineering undergraduates to gain valuable work experience in an international environment. An IAESTE traineeship not only enhances your CV but also promotes life changing experiences, fully immersed in a country and culture different to your own. IAESTE work experience is real work experience, working on live projects and developing your skills, as well as being paid to do so.
The General Conference possesses full power to take formal decisions for the fulfilment of the aims and approves the budget and regulations of the Association. It is composed of one delegate from each Full Member country. It elects the President, the Board, the SID coordinator and meets every year in January. The General Conference admits also new Members to the Association.
The Board implements the Association’s policy and decisions approved by the General Conference, initiates activities supporting the Association’s policy in general and provides strategic direction to the Association. The Board is composed of five members, the President and four others. The Board elects from the four members, one as Secretary and one as Treasurer.
National Committees represent the Member countries and are composed of persons representing academic, industrial and student interests. National Committees are responsible for administration of the IAESTE exchange programme.
Local Committees represent national committees within the country. Usually they are located at universities and are run by volunteers.